Wednesday, April 28, 2010

30 Days to Go!

With about 30 days to go before Idaho's Primary Election on May 25th, I am feeling very confident about the status of my campaign.  I am out visiting local residents and businesses and what I am hearing is helping to inspire this sense.  Business is picking up and peoples' faith in the economy is growing again.

Coupled with the tough decisions we made in the Legislature last year and this year, I know we have placed our great state in the best possible position to be a leader in a revived US economy.  Only this past week our neighboring state of Washington passed a series of tax hikes that will only serve to make that state less competitive and to penalize higher earners for being more productive.

In Idaho, I am pleased to have voted repeatedly to make government fit the size of the peoples budget and not forcing the people to pay more when they could least afford it.  Right-sizing government is a fact of life now.  The less government spends, the more money is in the pocket of the citizens.

I am hearing this daily on my campaign walks and I know the decisions I helped make in the Idaho Legislature puts me four-square in line with the voters in District 3.

It is a pleasure serving my friends and neighbors and I ask for your support once again on May 25th.  It is now possible to vote by mail, so if this interests you, please take the time to fill out the forms you may have received already from me in the mail.  More will be following, in case you missed them.

You can also download the form from my website, which I encourage you to visit:

See you on the campaign trail!

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Primary Challenger Is Legally Unqualified to Oppose Me

My primary challenger has a lot of questions to answer, but I don't believe that he can.  He claims to be dedicated to Idaho and serving the Idahoan people in the Idaho Senate, but if he had been better liked, more respected or a harder campaigner, right now he would be living back home now in Montan and serving its citizens over there.

That's because my challenger ran for office in Montana in 2006 even though his voter registration says he's been living at the same address in Idaho since 2004.

Even though he was registered to vote in Idaho in 2006, he decided to go back to his native Montana and run for office again there, as a Commissioner of the Public Service Commission.  If he had won that race, he wouldn't be running for the Idaho State Senate right now; the term for that position is four years.  In fact, he may never have come back to Idaho again.

But he lost.

So now he's running for elected office in Idaho, except he never re-registered to vote in Idaho.  Idaho's laws are clear:  if you leave the state and register to vote someplace else, you lose your status as a Qualified Elector in Idaho.

If you aren't a Qualified Elector, then you can't run for elective office in Idaho.

So what does my opponent have to say?  He blames Montana for not telling Idaho he moved back.  He also blames Idaho for not making sure he re-registered because he said he told them all about it.

He said, she said.

It is only one person's fault for all of this:  my opponent.  I'm sure he would be rather running for RE-ELECTION today in Montana than running for the Republican Party nomination here in Idaho for our state Senate today.  Either way, he can't.  Like I said, he lost that election and he's not a registered voter here in Idaho.

I'm sure he's embarrassed by this and the additional information that will soon come out about this sorry matter, so in order to spare himself any further embarrassment, my opponent should do the honorable thing and withdraw his name from the ballot.

Let him spend some time here in Idaho and let him first get properly registered to vote and stop hiding behind excuses.  While he's at it he can explain why he decided to run back to home state of Montana and run for office there if what he really wanted was to serve the people of Idaho.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rathdrum Chamber of Commerce event

This afternoon I was fortunate to be able to address local business leaders at Rathdrum's Chamber of Commerce.  Every free-market conservative has to enjoy visits such as these.  While Idaho's economy is still sluggish, meeting with these men and women you quickly learn from where the coming expansion will sprout. 

I enjoy listening to their suggestions and concerns.  It's important to listen to their ideas and opinions and one of the areas we broadly agreed and that was warmly supported was my position on the improvements to Highway 95.

Hwy 95 used to be known state-wide as the road with the most deaths and this situation was justifiably outrageous.  As we all know, money is tight, but our infrastructure cannot be ignored.  Maintaining and improving our state infrastructure is a fit and proper role of government.  Government must do certain items for all the people that which the people cannot do for themselves.  Roads and bridges comes to mind in this respect.

I will always support the GARVEE road funding program because it was the only way Highway 95 was ever going to be improved, in my opinion.

Northern Idahoans deserve safe roads.  Northern Idahoan businesses deserve efficient roads that allow their workers to get to and from work in a timely as well as safe fashion.  Northern Idahoan goods and services depend on the improvement of Highway 95.

I was immensely pleased with the broad support I received during my visit today with business leaders for this position I have taken and of which I will always be proud.  The use of GARVEE funding is a credit to the Idaho Legislature and to the men and women in the majority that voted for it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Campaigning for the Idaho Legislature

Some of my colleagues in the Idaho Senate don't particularly enjoy campaigning and while I am not one of those types, I do understand it. There are many (most) thoughtful people in the Idaho Legislature, particularly in the Senate and while they make excellent public servants, it isn't always easy to go door-to-door or mix it up against opponents.

I thrive on being in the arena, fighting for my core beliefs and those of my neighbors. There is a lot of anger out there in other states and I admit I would find it difficult to serve in state's where there is so little common-sense conservatism present.

All the states to our west all suffer from over-government/too much government. Here in Idaho, we have (I believe) mastered the art of limited government while providing the amount of government required to meet the exploding population growth the state continues to enjoy.

Idaho is not like our sister states directly to our east. While those states enjoy the benefit of coal and oil royalties (which Idaho sadly does not), those states have not seen the sort of population growth that Idaho has. Idaho has more than double the population of Montana and the about that again over Wyoming.

Idaho is a shining beacon to those who want to enjoy a unique quality of life, but also want to stay firmly rooted in a modern, hi-tech, 21st century economy. This is great for Idaho.

As I knock on doors and chat with voters, I am amazed at how little anger there is directed at Idaho's government. The voters appreciate the leadership of Governor Otter, whom I have worked closely with over many years.

They appreciate the Legislature not voting to raise taxes this session. This was the wrong time to raise taxes on families and businesses--we must make government fit the budget of the people and not the other way around!

The voters appreciate the common-sense conservative approach I know I have always taken in the Idaho Legislature. I am proud of my service and I am absolutely enjoying my time out on the campaign trail. Listening to the concerns of my neighbors is Job One.

If you would like to visit with me or get involved in my campaign, please visit my website:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Debate and Our Founding Fathers

I had a rousing day; not only preparing for the campaign trail, but engaging on it as well!

A noon debate with my opponent almost immediately became an American civics and history lesson that I and most others seemed to obviously understand.

Our Founding Fathers in their infinite wisdom designed a system of government that the world has marvelled of for more than 200 years.

Except my opponent doesn't think this is such a good idea anymore. He is no doubt wiser than Jefferson, Adams, Franklin--perhaps even Washington?

It seems he doesn't like the Senate here in Idaho. He thinks the House is better. Does he not understand we have two bodies in our Legislature? I must believe he does?

But then why, one asks, does he run for the Senate? If he wants to serve in Idaho's House of Representatives (where he may or may not be eligible to run, as opposed to his own native state, where he is barred from serving in the Legislature this year), then why hasn't he sought the seat of the vacating Jim Clark?

Jim Clark should have considered him as a substitute, seeing as he missed over 150 votes during this past legislative session. Jim managed to have his picture taken with Governor Otter after the session was over, but he found it troublesome to do the People's business DURING the session. 150 votes is an appalling number of votes to miss, but this is a different story.

No matter, my opponent is adamant that the system of government our Founders devised for us is simply no good anymore. Let me be clear: this is Idaho. In Idaho we respect the wisdom of the Founders. We believe in the separation of the powers in government. We believe in two houses of a legislative body: the House of Representatives and the Senate. We believe in the rule of law. We believe the system of government the Great Men created for us is worth honoring.

I am proud to serve the people of Idaho, where I was born, in our state senate and I am sure my friends and neighbors believe in the wisdome of the Founders as well.

It was truly a good day here in northern Idaho. A great start to my campaign and a great civics and history lesson. I will be reading a selection from James Madison tonight.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back Home and Hitting the Campaign Trail

It has been wonderful to be home from a relatively short legislative session. It was actually the second-shortest session of the past 10 years. This proves that the Legislature can actually get the People's business done in a very economical time-frame if it has the tools it requires from the start. This year, we knew exactly what we needed to do and so we got down to business right away.

It is now Election Season and I am excited to be hitting the campaign trail again. I really enjoy this part of being a legislator: You have the best opportunity to get out and speak to everyone and hear what is on the minds of your neighbors and local businesses.

I know through my long experience in this area of Idaho what the people expect from government: lowering taxes, cutting wasteful spending, keeping the corrupt ways of Washington DC away from Idaho.

Please come along and speak to me if you see me out downtown, in the supermarket or even if I am out walking our dogs.

I have my first debate on Thursday, April 7th and I am extremely excited to tell one and all of my continued efforts at making government more efficient and new efforts to create good paying jobs here in Idaho.

I ask for your support!

Please visit my website: